
Stéphane DEL PINO

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Ingénieur-Chercheur et titulaire d’une HDR en Mathématiques Appliquées, Stéphane Del Pino travaille au sein d’une équipe de R&D du CEA dont l’objectif est de développer de nouveaux modèles et de nouvelles méthodes numériques pour les codes de simulation numérique HPC.

Ses principaux thèmes de recherche sont les méthodes de volumes finis et leur utilisation pour l’approximation lagrangienne de la dynamique des gaz ainsi que les méthodes d’adaptation de maillage.

Thèses co-encadrées

  • A. DROUARD, Méthode numérique semi-implicite pour le modèle de l’hyper élasticité, Thèse de doctorat Sorbonne Paris Saclay / CEA, en cours.

  • A. PLESSIER, Schémas implicites semi-Lagrangiens pour la dynamique des gaz compressibles, Thèse de doctorat Sorbonne Université / CEA, 2023.

  • D. YAKOUBI, Analyse et mise en oeuvre de nouveaux algorithmes en méthodes spectrales, Thèse de doctorat CEA/Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, 2007.

Euler-Lagrange code coupling for blast wave propagation studies.
Teddy Chantrait   Stéphane Del Pino   Emmanuel Labourasse   Stéphane Jaouen  

Triangular metric-based mesh adaptation for compressible multi-material flows in semi-Lagrangian coordinates
S. Del Pino   I. Marmajou  
Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 478, 1 April 2023, 2023



In this paper, we propose an adaptive mesh refinement method for 2D multi-material compressible non-viscous flows in semi-Lagrangian coordinates. The mesh adaptation procedure is local and relies on a discrete metric field evaluation. The remapping method is second-order accurate and we prove its stability. We propose a multi-material treatment using two ingredients: the local remeshing is performed in a way that reduces as much as possible the creation of mixed cells and an interface reconstruction method that can be used to avoid the diffusion of the material interfaces. The obtained method is almost Lagrangian and can be implemented in a parallel framework. We provide some numerical tests which attest the validity of the method and its robustness.

Implicit discretization of Lagrangian gas dynamics
A. Plessier   S. Del Pino   B. Després  
ESAIM M2AN Volume 57, Number 2, March-April 2023, 2023



We construct an original framework based on convex analysis to prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution to a class of implicit numerical schemes. We propose an application of this general framework in the case of a new non linear implicit scheme for the 1D Lagrangian gas dynamics equations. We provide numerical illustrations that corroborate our proof of unconditional stability for this non linear implicit scheme.

An asymptotic preserving multidimensional ALE method for a system of two compressible flows coupled with friction
S. Del Pino   E. Labourasse   G. Morel  
J. Comput. Phys., p. 268 - 301, 2018

A conservative slide line method for cell-centered semi-Lagrangian and ALE schemes in 2D
Silvia Bertoluzza   S. Del Pino   Emmanuel Labourasse  
ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal., EDP Sciences, p. 187-214, 2016

Metric-based mesh adaptation for 2D Lagrangian compressible flows
S. Del Pino  
Journal of Computational Physics, Elsevier, p. 1793-1821, 2011

A curvilinear finite-volume method to solve compressible gas dynamics in semi-Lagrangian coordinates
S. Del Pino  
Comptes Rendus Mathématique, Elsevier, p. 1027-1032, 2010

An iterative procedure to solve a coupled two-fluids turbulence model
T. Chacón Rebollo   S. Del Pino   D. Yakoubi  
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, EDP Sciences, p. 693-713, 2010

A cell-centered Lagrangian hydrodynamics scheme in arbitrary dimension
G. Carré   S. Del Pino   B. Després   E. Labourasse  
J. Comput. Phys., p. 5160-5183, 2009

Polynomial Least-Square reconstruction for semi-Lagrangian Cell-Centered Hydrodynamic Scheme
G. Carré   S. Del Pino   E. Labourasse   K. Pichon Gostaf   A. V. Shapeev  
ESAIM: Proc., p. 1008-1024, 2009

3D finite volume simulation of acoustic waves in the earth atmosphere
S. Del Pino   B. Després   P. Havé   H. Jourdren   P.-F. Piserchia  
Computers & Fluids, Elsevier, p. 765-777, 2009

Lagrangian method enhanced with edge swapping for the free fall and contact problem
É. Bernard   S. Del Pino   E. Deriaz   B. Després   K. Jurkova   F. Lagoutière  
ESAIM: Proceedings, EDP Sciences, p. 46-59, 2008

Une borne inférieure pour la constante de la condition inf-sup sur l'opérateur de divergence
S. Del Pino   U. Razafison   D. Yakoubi  
Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Elsevier, p. 533-538, 2008

2D/3D turbine simulations with FreeFEM
S. Del Pino   B. Maury  
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing for PDEs and their challenging applications, 2007

Arbitrary high-order schemes for the linear advection and wave equations: application to hydrodynamics and aeroacoustics
S. Del Pino   H. Jourdren  
Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Elsevier, p. 441-446, 2006

Asymptotic analysis and layer decomposition for the couplex exercise
S. Del Pino   O. Pironneau  
Computational Geosciences, Springer, p. 149-162, 2004

A hierarchical and view dependent visualization algorithm for tree based AMR data in 2D or 3D
S. Del Pino  
Proceedings of the 5th Eurographics conference on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, Eurographics Association, p. 49-58, 2004

A fictitious domain based general PDE solver
S. Del Pino   O. Pironneau  
Numerical methods for scientific computing variational problems and applications, Barcelona, 2003

A-priori Domain Decomposition of PDE Systems and Applications
S. Del Pino   J.-L. Lions   O. Pironneau  
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation in Continuum Mechanics, Springer, p. 125-135, 2002

3D computing using virtual reality data
S. Del Pino  
ESAIM: Proceedings, EDP Sciences, p. 267-275, 2001

A finite element method for virtual reality data
S. Del Pino   E. Heikkola   O. Pironneau   J. Toivanen  
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series I-Mathematics, Elsevier, p. 1107-1111, 2000