Julien Jaeger est un ingénieur-chercheur du LIHPC. Il a rejoint l’équipe MPC au CEA en 2012, après avoir soutenu sa thèse en Informatique à l’Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines la même année. Depuis 2019, il est à la tête de l’équipe MPC travaillant sur les modèles de programmation parallèle comme MPI et OpenMP, leur ordonnancement et leurs interactions sur les supercalculateurs HPC. Il est un membre actif du MPI Forum, participant aux nouvelles versions du standard MPI.
High-Performance Computing (HPC) is currently facing significant challenges. The hardware pressure has become increasingly difficult to manage due to the lack of parallel abstractions in applications. As a result, parallel programs must undergo drastic evolution to effectively exploit underlying hardware parallelism. Failure to do so results in inefficient code. In this pressing environment, parallel runtimes play a critical role, and their esting becomes crucial. This paper focuses on the MPI interface and leverages the MPI binding tools to develop a multi-language test-suite for MPI. By doing so and building on previous work from the Forum’s document editors, we implement a systematic testing of MPI symbols in the context of the Parallel Computing Validation System (PCVS), which is an HPC validation platform dedicated to running and managing test-suites at scale. We first describe PCVS, then outline the process of generating the MPI API test suite, and finally, run these tests at scale. All data sets, code generators, and implementations are made available in open-source to the community. We also set up a dedicated website showcasing the results, which self-updates thanks to the Spack package manager.
ISC High Performance 2023: High Performance Computing pp 28–41, 2023
The field of High-Performance Computing is rapidly evolving, driven by the race for computing power and the emergence of new architectures. Despite these changes, the process of launching programs has remained largely unchanged, even with the rise of hybridization and accelerators. However, there is a need to express more complex deployments for parallel applications to enable more efficient use of these machines. In this paper, we propose a transparent way to express malleability within MPI applications. This process relies on MPI process virtualization, facilitated by a dedicated privatizing compiler and a user-level scheduler. With this framework, using the MPC thread-based MPI context, we demonstrate how code can mold its resources without any software changes, opening the door to transparent MPI malleability. After detailing the implementation and associated interface, we present performance results on representative applications.
Tools for High Performance Computing 2018 / 2019, Springer International Publishing, p. 151-168, 2021
The backtrace is one of the most common operations done by profiling and debugging tools. It consists in determining the nesting of functions leading to the current execution state. Frameworks and standard libraries provide facilities enabling this operation, however, it generally incurs both computational and memory costs. Indeed, walking the stack up and then possibly resolving functions pointers (to function names) before storing them can lead to non-negligible costs. In this paper, we propose to explore a means of extracting optimized backtraces with an O(1) storage size by defining the notion of stack tags. We define a new data-structure that we called a hashed-trie used to encode stack traces at runtime through chained hashing. Our process called stack-tagging is implemented in a GCC plugin, enabling its use of C and C++ application. A library enabling the decoding of stack locators though both static and brute-force analysis is also presented. This work introduces a new manner of capturing execution state which greatly simplifies both extraction and storage which are important issues in parallel profiling.
Tools for High Performance Computing 2017, Springer International Publishing, p. 57-71, 2019
Several instrumentation interfaces have been developed for parallel programs to make observable actions that take place during execution and to make accessible information about the program’s behavior and performance. Following in the footsteps of the successful profiling interface for MPI (PMPI), new rich interfaces to expose internal operation of MPI (MPI-T) and OpenMP (OMPT) runtimes are now in the standards. Taking advantage of these interfaces requires tools to selectively collect events from multiples interfaces by various techniques: function interposition (PMPI), value read (MPI-T), and callbacks (OMPT). In this paper, we present the unified instrumentation pipeline proposed by the MALP infrastructure that can be used to forward a variety of fine-grained events from multiple interfaces online to multi-threaded analysis processes implemented orthogonally with plugins. In essence, our contribution complements “front-end” instrumentation mechanisms by a generic “back-end” event consumption interface that allows “consumer” callbacks to generate performance measurements in various formats for analysis and transport. With such support, online and post-mortem cases become similar from an analysis point of view, making it possible to build more unified and consistent analysis frameworks. The paper describes the approach and demonstrates its benefits with several use cases.
Euro-Par 2013: Parallel Processing Workshops - BigDataCloud, DIHC, FedICI, HeteroPar, HiBB, LSDVE, MHPC, OMHI, PADABS, PROPER, Resilience, ROME, and UCHPC 2013, Aachen, Germany, August 26-27, 2013. Revised Selected Papers, Springer, p. 168-177, 2013
Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Computing, ParCo 2013, 10-13 September 2013, Garching (near Munich), Germany, IOS Press, p. 783-792, 2013