
Jacques-Bernard LEKIEN

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Engineer-Researcher in computer science since 30 years, Jacques-Bernard Lekien has worked in several CEA teams, thus covering themes around scientific simulation in a context HPC such as the optimization and parallelization of codes or the storage and exploitation of distributed data with semantics including an in-situ/in-transit aspect.

Today, Jacques-Bernard works in the scientific data analysis and visualization team always in a context HPC with a particular focus on tree-based adaptive mesh refinement. This R&D leads to the enrichment of the Themys/ParaView/VTK software.

PaDaWAn: a Python infrastructure for loosely coupled in situ workflows
Julien Capul   Sébastien Morais   Jacques-Bernard Lekien  
ISAV 18: Proceedings of the Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization, p. 7-12, 2018

Contemporary High Performance Computing
Mickaël Amiet   Patrick Carribault   Elisabeth Charon   Guillaume Colin Verdière   Philippe Deniel   Gilles Grospellier   Guénolé Harel   François Jollet   Jacques-Charles Lafoucrière   Jacques-Bernard Lekien   Stéphane Mathieu   Marc Pérache   Jean-Christophe Weill   Gilles Wiber  
Chapman; Hall/CRC, p. 45-74, 2017