In the field of training and scientific animation, the LiHPC teams organize or co-organize :
- seminars at the Teratec Campus,
- the Modelling and Numerical Simulation Days,
- Thematic days on visualization and networking at the Teractec Campus,
- training courses and summer schools (with EDF-Inria, URCA) open to the HPC community,
- Days on the Arcane development platform,
- mini-symposia at the ECCOMAS congress.
The LiHPC is part of 3 Graduate School (GS) of the University Paris-Saclay :
- Computer Science: doctoral school Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (ICST) ;
- Mathematics: Hadamard Graduate School of Mathematics (EDMH);
- Systems engineering.
The LiHPC teams also participate in various courses in the following institutions and trainings:
- Master High Performance Computing and Simulation of the GS Ingenierie of the University Paris Saclay,
- Ecole Polytechnique,
- University of Evry Val d’Essonne,
- University of Reims Champagne Ardennes,
- HPC course at Ecole CentraleSupelec,
- HPC course of the ENSIIE.