Mina Warnet is currently a PhD student at CEA. Her supervisor is Adrien Roussel, Researcher in Computer Science (HPC) at CEA, her director is Marc Pérache, Engineer-Researcher in Computer Science at the CEA, and her co-director is Michaël Krajecki, Director of Research at the Ministerial Agency for Defense AI (AMIAD) and Professor at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA). Mina’s PhD thesis topic is “Task-based programming abstraction for distributed and heterogeneous systems”.
As the architectures of modern computing machines become increasingly complex, programming models must also evolve to exploit these new machines optimally. One such model is task-based programming, which is much more flexible in its execution, but more difficult to program to achieve the expected performance. To counter these difficulties, we’ll explore the possibility of programming abstraction to reduce programming effort, and how to guarantee performance at a high level of abstraction.